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The Amazing Challenge was created to encourage all who ride to ride safe, ride smart.

Pre-Riden routes give riders an "Amazing" experience with beautiful roads, stops, and landmarks.

Taking place in the heat of the summer, this ride gives riders the excuse they need to ride unfamiliar territory they would normally never see.
Thank you to all of our 2024 Sponsors
Collection of photos from previous events

The Amazing Challenge is a Group of riders committed to the safe operation of his or her motorcycle while competing in the upper mid-west's premier scavenger hunt ride. Our event takes place typically the weekend after fathers day. Our 2024 event will be a 4-night, 3-day event in Davis, West Virginia.
The Amazing Challenge began as a local Chicagoland chapter event in 2011 with 10 bikes. It has evolved into the upper Midwest’s premier sport touring/scavenger hunt motorcycle ride. Typically held on the weekend after father’s day, our event is open to all riders, on every type of motorcycle. Our challenge ride is a great way to get into the world of long distance, timed touring. Our event is typically 300 miles in length and last approximately 10-12 hours. Our goal is for everyone to have a fun and safe day of touring. Riders from all over the country ride in our event because of its relaxed, laid back, friendly atmosphere. We limit the number of entries to 45 motorcycle to ensure we remain a small cozy group.

Contact Our Ride Master
If you are interested in past or future Amazing Challenge events please fill out this form and we will get back to you. You can also email me here.
Please give me a day or two to respond. Thank You!